Little Changes

I LOVE painting, and have many ideas for new watercolors.  I actually just finished another one last night.  I am so happy to have more time in my day to give to my creative side.  Because there's time to think while getting lost in the process, I'm able to think, and dream.  Then sometimes I write out my thoughts

I'd like to do a painting of our old home in Sunland to remind our family of all the great memories.  I'm really enjoying doing ocean/beach themes prompted by our trips to the Central Coast.  I have a few more baby animal paintings in mind too.

Life is Brief


Parents know this, and so do widows.  Before you know it, another year is gone, and opportunities are squandered or embraced.   As I mentioned in the last post, the freedom and time I have been given is precious.  In order to give my self more fully to family, ministry, painting and writing, I've decided to scale back on some parts of my Colors By Laurie artwork, and step away from the greeting cards. 

I will continue to offer commissioned paintings (home portraits, monograms, baby names), and prints for sale, but I'm phasing out the greeting cards.  The cards will be available for a limited time, so if you would like to purchase any, head on over to my shop soon.  There are some fun new sets of four and other good deals while they last.

Loosing Gary reminds me to value the time we've been given.  Hopefully I will spend my allotment well.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."  Psalm 90:12

"A short life is wisely spent."  Charles Spurgeon